Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day 73: The most awesome conversation in the history of the universe

Before I let you read the conversation, I need to quickly explain a couple things.

First of all, this is the second time I have been possessed by Q.0, who spoke to Sailor Moon Fan Who Is Epic At Drawing with my cell phone.

Secondly, Q.0 is the creation of Sailor Moon Fan Who Is Epic At Drawing. Q.0 is the alternate Me. She exists in the universe of Tree Man, an incredibly brilliant comic created by the aforementioned buttface. She's like me in many aspects, except, well... I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out. ^^; Her favorite food is "ded mausQ." (That's Q.0-speak. In English, they are called "dead mice.") And no, you can't read Tree Man, unless Sailor Moon Fan Who Is Epic At Drawing posts it online. Otherwise, it is Top Secret. I don't know why. Ask the dumb-butt yourself.

Thirdly, this is the vast majority of the conversation - from right after it began to right before it ended. You will know if you are being contacted by Q.0 if you receive a text message (or email) that says this: "haaiiiiii *wave*" You have been warned.

So here it is. Enjoy!

K: y u no trust me? i nish!

Sailor Moon Fan Blahblahblah: Okay I guess I trust you, but I never really know what you're thinking. So idk if you even process what I'm saying. In fact I'm surprised you can even read what I'm saying and texting now.

K: ... waht duz 'prooces' meen?

SMF: Oh for frick sakes what is the point of you even. AHHH!!!!!!!!!! You drive me nuts.

K: y u no luv me? I jusht wahnt fwend!

u me fwends?

SMF: Yeah I guess we are friends. Or fwends or whatever you'll understand. I mean I do spend a lot of time with you... for some reason.

K: yay i haz fwend! mi fihst fwend!

fwends givz pwezents wite?

K: wite? fwends giv pwezents?

K: shaywa mun faan no weave me! pweash cum back!

K: *sniffle* dats okey... ish okey if yuu no lyk me... i shtill make mish pwesent fo yu... i shtill lyk yoo... u shtill nish even if yew no lyk mi

SMF: I was raking pinecones. And yeah we're still friends but it isn't an obligation to make presents.

K: yew... yew shtill lyk mi? yay! dat maks me hapi! i almosht dun pwesent... i maik nish pikcha fo yoo

sowwy i no good at dwawing

K: yay awl dun!

SMF: Don't worry I'm not that good either.

K: yuu betta dan me r... yoo lyk raynbos wite? an shtars and hartsh? it haz lots of doze!

o wate im not shupposhed to tell waht yow pwesent is am i? birfdai pwesents is surpwises wite? Katweena says i nawt shupposhed to tell. okai yuu find owt on yo birfdai den :D

o and Katweena sez she wus rong... udder ten persent grai marker she still haz. she sayz she sowwy she wuz rong.

V: Well if she doesn't wanna give me her extra it's fine. I just remember her saying so.

K: no no she tought dat she gav it too yu but she didnt cuz itsh hewe in Waskapoo. so she sez sowwy she wuz rong.

hay... sinse i dwew yu a pikcha... can yu dwaw me wun? pwease?

K: shaywa mun fann yew shtill dere?

SMF: I guess?

SMF: I said yeah I can draw you something.

Oh how would Colombian Rice Eater get his rice powers? [he's also a Tree Man character]

K: yay tank yew! uh can yew dwaw me... pictah uv us togedda! fwends!

hay you nevah dwew a pictah uv me and dat gowjuss mannah! yew shaid u wood dwaw it fo me if i gav u Katweena bak! and i gav her bak but u didnt dwaw it. u meen!

o wate but i gesh we wehnt fwends den... but we fwends now sho u gon dwaw dem to pictahs fo me wite?

Rish Mashtah Adwian getz rishe powahs by gettin bited by radioa... by wadioact... by nucweaw powahed rishe.


SMF: You said draw a Reaver comic. Not you and Reaver derp.

K: o. 

did u dwaw a weavah comic den?

SMF: No I'm drawing Rice Mastah.

K: but wuddabout weavah comic? an pictah uv us togedda as besht fwends? u no get Katweena bak untiw i haz weavah comic! bahaha!

SMF: Well I'm going now anyway goodbye! ^-^

K: no wate fwend pwease don go!

were u goin?

SMF: People, places, things.

K: pwease shtay!

SMF: Meh

K: u no tew Katweena i dwew a pictah fo yu okey?

SMF: Uh... right.

K: itsh a shecwet! fwends keep shecwets wite? if she nos shill giv it too yoo befow yo birfday. an iss a birfday pwesent. so no tell okey?

SMF: Uh.. huh....

wtf is happening.

K: y wahts happning? u okay?

SMF: Uh well you are making about 72.83% sense right now.

K: wut u no undahshtand? i hewp u undahshtand. i shmaht.

SMF: You said Katrina is not gonna give me a present before my birthday? What does that matter????

K: o wew if yu tew Katweena i maid u a pwesent shill wook fo it an find it an giv it to u befow yo birfdai. an sinse iss a birfday pwesent dat wood be bad. undahshtand?

SMF: Uh yeah.

K: yay tank yu! o an Katweena ish shad cuz yuu sed u no cum to Waskapoo no mow. yoo com pwease? it wiw maik hew happi

SMF: Maaaaybeee.

K: dat make hew happi-ish. tank yu! o and Katweena shez wuts yo favwit choklit. 

K: hay did yu an Katweena have fite er sumtin? i tride too fiind owt but hew hed ish fulll uv big wurds dat me no knos.

K: Katweena tinks me shpewwing ish bad! dat no tru rite? i haz good shpewwing!

SMF: Well since I can understand you perfectly your spelling doesn't affect me! But yeah, you suck. And I like... a lot of chocolate? Not dark.

K: she wahnts too nno whut kind uv choklit bar uu lyk. an my shpewwing ish not baad! i haz sooper good shpewwing! da teechah sed i wurk weawwy haard!

SMF: Whoa u go to school? I never wrote that!

Anywho I like Hershy and Caramilk and Dove. I liikeeee Dove.

SMF: But I'm trying to stay away from junk food.

K: so u lyk duv an caremilk? okey i wiw tehl Katweena.

course i went to kinnergarden didnt yu?

SMF: Yes I did.

I don't want chocolate thought. That would be the opposite of what I want. I'm trying not to eat as much junk food.

K: o. so no choklit den?

SMF: No unfortunately.

*end* AIN'T SHE SMART?! YEah it's pretty awesome. She's... uh... really gorgeous too. >_> *poker face*

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