Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 47: Broken compuers are SO not awesome

So my Mac - my beautiful, flawless, wonderful Mac - is at the computer
hospital right now. It's not ACTUALLY broken, but the DVD burner need
fixing. This mean I'm in my mom's really really old laptop. This has
led to some issues.

1. I can't go on deviantART. This computer is so old that not only do
most websites (including dA) not format properly, it has issues
understanding where stuff is. When I click on "login," nothing
happens. I can't log in.

2. I can't check my email. Besides dA, this is pretty much all I use
the computer for. I'm actually working out the details about going to
someone's graduation in a couple of weeks, and I'm doing this through
email. I would normally just use my Gmail account to talk to her, but
this computer doesn't have her email address in it anyways. The bigger
issue is that I can't even access my email account from any computer
but that one. Why? Well, this is going to require a little backstory.
Former AcTal kids, remember that persuasive letter we had to write at
the end of Gr. 5? (Probably not. Whatever, you all suck anyways!)
Well, my persuasive letter was about why my parents should allow me to
have an email address - I wasn't allowed to have one until then. Long
story short, I got one, and I still use it to this day. Backstory #2:
Macs have an application called "Mail." This lets you access - you
guessed it! - your email. No logging into accounts, no need to open a
web browser. It's awesome. Now this is the problem: My parents decided
that, because I was 10 years old, I obviously wasn't responsible
enough to come up with my own password; so they set up the account for
me. A couple years ago, they discovered that (surprise, surprise) they
don't remember the password they created any more. This means that I
can only access my email account from that specific Mail application
on that specific computer. Joy.

3. I can't look at anyone's blogs. I have all the addresses
bookmarked, and only two are memorized. One of them is Bean's (I've
already read it, which still sucked - to be explained in #4) and one
of them is now private so I can't read it. ARGH.

4. I can't watch videos. I haven't checked if YouTube works, but that
site is useless for my purposes. I can't watch ANY of the embedded
videos on Bean's blog. And other stuff. Which sucks.

5. I can't type stuff up, for school or my personal life. I have to
type stuff up and print it off this week, but if the computer doesn't
come back soon, I'm pretty much screwed. I can't type up invitations
for a schoolwork-burning-fest (well, I could type them, but I still
wouldn't be able to print them off as this is not hooked up to my
printer), which is annoying, and I can't type stuff up for a school
essay I have to write on Friday, which is

So yeah. Basically everything sucks right now.

However, this blog is supposed to be about significantly non-sucky
things, so I will now write all the reasons Macs are wonderful.

1. They aforementioned Mail application. It is AWESOME and convenient
like you wouldn't believe.

2. When Windows brags about how their computers have thin screens,
they're conveniently forgetting to mention the giant box that does the
actual computing. Macs don't have that giant box. The computer is in
the actual computer.

3. The "dashboard" that chills out on the bottom of the screen, which
is way cleaner and easier and more organized and WAY COOLER-LOOKING
than the shit Windows have on their screens.

4. The fastest web browser in the world? Safari, when used in a Mac.
All of the other browsers, when used on either computer, are slower
than that.

5. Starting up the computer, logging in, and opening applications do
not take TWENTY FRICKING MINUTES. 'Nuff said.

6. Freakishly Smart Person uses a Mac.
Does there actually need to be more evidence than that alone?

So yeah. Macs are awesome.


Added later: This post was actually typed up yesterday, but the computer sucks so bad it wouldn't post when I hit the "Post" button. I couldn't even save it as a draft. So I had to use my secondary email account to email it to myself, and I'm posting it from Sabine's laptop. Here. At school. During lunch hour. RAWR.

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