Monday, June 27, 2011

Day 52: How to make an awesome breakfast (indoors)

This post will teach you how to make cinnamon toast, a really delicious breakfast that is super easy and quick (unless you toaster is from the Stone Age, in which case it sucks to be you).

What you'll need (shown above):
Brown Sugar (white sugar works almost as well, but brown sugar's texture makes it better since it's a little moister than white sugar is)
Butter (calm thyself, Quiet Smart Airplane Dude.)

Step Zero: If the bread is not pre-sliced, slice it, you moron.

Step One: Toast the bread. Really, I shouldn't have to tell you this.

Step Two: Put toast on a plate. This can get a little messy.

Step Three: IMMEDIATELY after Step Two, butter the toast with the knife. You need to make sure the butter melts and soaks into the toast, so it need to be hot. Even the seven seconds I used for taking the picture allowed the toast to cool considerably. So be fast!

Step Four: Scoop up some brown sugar with a spoon. With your finger, push it off the spoon and onto the toast. You want it to be be pretty thick - don't smooth it out with your finger or a knife. Oh, and you definitely should NOT 'accidentally' knock some off onto the plate or counter or table just so you can have an excuse to eat more sugar. I certainly didn't do that.

Step Five: Dump some cinnamon onto that bitch. How much you add is a matter of taste, but I LOVE cinnamon, so I add a fair bit. At least add enough for you to be able to see the difference in colour, or you wouldn't be able to taste it.

Step Six: Clean up, so your parents don't have you thrown into a dumpster. That's what the plate was there for - so you don't have to do as much cleaning. Still, as you can see, I got cinnamon on the counter anyways. xD

Step Seven: Eat it! Hopefully you'll find it delicious. A perfect way to celebrate having enough time in the morning to make it, since you don't have to rush off to school. Yay summer!

Step Eight: Try adding other random shiz. Take pictures, and post about your adventure on your blog! Or just tell me bout it so I can taste-test it myself. You might even get a blog post devoted to you! After all, that's the ultimate goal of all you lovely readers, isn't it? :D

So tell me if you tried it, what it tasted like, if you had an epic fail, and if you think my pajamas are sexy. Thanks! <3

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