Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 13: Amanda Tapping is an awesome prankster

So as you (probably don't) know, Sanctuary returns after its four-month hiatus in four days. In honour of the epicness of Sanctuary, its actors, and its characters, I shall be posting for the next several days about Sanctuary. The second half of Season 3 is something I have been agonizing over for the entire time since the first half ended in December - the writers decided they should give us THE most demonic cliffhanger in the history of demonic cliffhangers. Know what they did at the end of the episode?


Seriously. I knew that that left 3 options: 1. The execution was faked, 2. The execution was sabotaged and so they were only unconscious, or 3. They really DID all die, and they're being brought back to life. The commercial says that it's the last one, which I was kind of leaning towards, but I want to know WHO BROUGHT THEM BACK TO LIFE?! and HOW?! and WHY?!

Anyways, the first Epic Sanctuary post is about a prank Amanda Tapping, the lead actress played while a main character in another show, Stargate SG-1. Just as a bit of background that is necessary to understand what's happening, the other guy with her is the dude that played McGyver way back when. (I think that's how you spell it...) I LOVE how she keeps a straight face right until the end!

What a charmer she is. LOVE YOU AMANDA! Can't wait to see what happens next on your current show! ^3^

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