Saturday, April 23, 2011

Day 25: The people I know are seriously awesome...

... which is why you should check out the blog's new page, Awesome People Mentioned in This Blog. It should help you navigate all that is awesome about the people I know (or wish I knew).

Short entry... SORRY EVERYONE! But seriously,  read the page, because it's pretty sweet.

I hate Bean's goddamn German keyboard.


  1. hi, i'm just here to advertise cause this blog had more followers than i have and i'd like to sway them over to my blog: it will be good times. CLICK THE LINK!!!! DOOOOOO IIIIITTT!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. ^ You are a champ and awesome. No arguing this time. And it doesn't link. COPY & PASTE FTW
